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Jurišić gets 12 years for Tuzla crime

The War Crimes Chamber of Belgrade’s District Court today announced its verdict in the case against Ilija Jurišić. Jurišić was found guilty and sentenced to 12 years in jail. The two and a half years he has spent in custody will be included in the time he will now serve. …

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World Bank ready to help Moldova overcome economic crisis

World Bank Country Manager Melanie Marlett said that the WB decided to provide immediate assistance to Moldova for overcoming the economic crisis. The announcement was made at a meeting of the WB official and Moldova’s Acting President and Head of Parliament Mihai Ghimpu, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the legislature’s press …

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Brammertz: Mladić remains priority

Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz says Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić will be tried by the international tribunal, regardless of when they are arrested. “The arrested of these fugitives remains the main priority. If that does not happen, the UN Security Council announced that it will set up a mechanism …

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