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Greek PM calls snap election, date yet to be announced

GREECE Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis on Wednesday evening announced the holding of a snap general election in a television speech to the nation. In prefacing announcement, Karamanlis underlined the need for immediate and significant reforms and measures to deal with the repercussions of the international economic crisis and what …

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US Worried about Bosnian Political Rifts

BOSNIA The US is concerned about the current situation in Bosnia and its leaders’ commitment to securing EU and NATO membership, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Stuart E. Jones said. “The American government is concerned because we haven’t seen practical actions which reflect [Bosnian officials’] commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration,” …

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Rehn Praises Macedonia’s Reform Progress

MACEDONIA Macedonia has a serious chance of receiving a recommended start date for EU accession talks this autumn if the positive progress of recent months continues, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn says. Rehn’s comments come only a month before the European Commission, EC, prepares its annual report on the country’s …

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