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Bulgaria Government Replaces Another 10 District Governors

BULGARIA The new Bulgarian Government has replaced another ten District Governors appointed by the previous Council of Ministers. The GERB cabinet released of duty the Governors of Vidin, Kyustendil, Lovech, Pazardzhik, Pleven, Razgrad, Sliven, Stara Zagora, Shumen, and Yambol. This list of the the new district governors is as follows:

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Bulgaria Government to Create Transplantations Fund

BULGARIA The Bulgarian Government has voted Wednesday for the creation of a specialized center “Transplantations Fund” which will assist those in need. The total sum that is needed to cover the transplantations in Bulgaria amounts to BGN 96 M, Health Minister, Bozhidar Nanev, reported Wednesday after the Council of Ministers …

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Medvedev calls for tougher “terrorism” trials

MOSCOW, Russia Insurgents arrested in the turbulent North Caucasus region should be tried elsewhere in Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday, part of a series of moves to tackle a growing wave of attacks. In a tough speech to security officials following a bomb attack on a police station …

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