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Bulgaria may adopt the euro in 2012-13-fin min

SOFIA Bulgaria may adopt the euro in the last year of the new government’s mandate which expires in 2013, Finance Minister Simeon Djankov said in an interview to 24 Chasa daily, published on Monday. 

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Balkan Opinions Reflect EU “Enlargement Fatigue”

Internal problems within the EU and enlargement fatigue are having an effect on opinions in Balkan countries, a survey shows. The survey, conducted by the Gallup Balkan Monitor, shows that EU membership remains a high priority for most Balkan residents. Yet, in most countries respondents feel that the EU welcome …

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Moldovan communists win election but lose majority in parliament

Moldova’s Communist Party took lead in the snap parliamentary elections on Wednesday, but lost the majority it held for eight years in Parliament to a group of pro-western opposition parties, showed the final preliminary results announced on Friday by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). According to CEC President Eugen Stirbu, …

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