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BiH officials react to video of Bosniak general

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Chief Prosecutor Milorad Barasin confirmed on Thursday (July 23rd) that an investigation is under way against General Atif Dudakovic following a video that surfaced this week purportedly showing Dudakovic ordering his Muslim troops to shoot and kill two captured Serb soldiers 1994. Republika Srpska (RS) …

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Prosecutor pushes to investigate Romania’s former sports minister

BUCHAREST, Romania Prosecutor-General Laura Codruta Kovesi and the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) on Thursday (July 23rd) requested that former Youth and Sports Minister Monica Iacob Ridzi lose her immunity, which would clear the way for a criminal investigation against her.

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Immigration, citizenship focus of latest Cyprus talks

NICOSIA, Cyprus President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat met on Thursday (July 23rd) in another round of talks aimed at reunifying the divided island. The negotiations focused on immigration, asylum and citizenship issues. UN Secretary-General Special Representative Taye-Brook Zerihoun says they will meet again in a …

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