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UNHCR objects to Greece’s new asylum regulations

ATHENS, Greece The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said on Friday (July 17th) it is suspending its participation in advisory committees examining asylum requests in Greece to protest newly adopted rules on granting asylum.

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Karadzic: One Year On

A year after the wartime president of Republika Srpska was arrested, war victims and legal analysts in Bosnia say it is high time for his trial to begin. Exactly one year since the arrest of Radovan Karadzic in Belgrade, it is still unknown when his trial, considered by many as …

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Survey: Macedonia In EU in 2015

According to the latest survey done by the US-based International Republican Institute, IRI, Macedonian citizens, on average, give their country 6.2 years to enter the European Union. Therefore, they expect Macedonia to enter the EU sometime in 2015.Public support for Macedonia’s NATO entrance remains high at around 93 percent, the …

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