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Serbia to ask IMF to boost deficit limit

BELGRADE, Serbia The government plans to ask the IMF to increase the budget deficit envisioned in its agreement with the institution, due to the global economic crisis, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic told Tanjug on Sunday (July 5th). When IMF representatives visit Belgrade next month, authorities will request that the limit …

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Turkish Army opposes controversial law

ANKARA, Turkey The army has submitted a list of objections to President Abdullah Gul regarding a controversial law that limits the power of military courts, local newspapers reported on Sunday (July 5th). Parliament adopted the bill late last month at the request of the ruling Justice and Development Party.

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Talat expects reunification plan

NICOSIA, Cyprus The two Cypriot communities will draft a plan to reunify the divided island by the end of the year, Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat said on Sunday (July 5th) in an interview with the Greek Cypriot daily Simerini. Talat, however, predicted international arbitration will be required.

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