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Chinese Vice President, Romanian senate head vow to boost ties

BEIJING Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met Mircea Geoana, the president of Romania’s senate here Wednesday. Xi pledged to step up cooperation and boost ties. Xi hailed the traditional relationship and the development of bilateral ties since the two states established diplomatic relations 60 years ago. 

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Tadic Visit Strains Bosnia-Serbia relations

The recent visit of Serbian President Boris Tadic to Banja Luka, the seat of the Bosnian Serb leadership, continues to draw strong criticism from other Bosnian leaders. “Tadic is reneging on the Dayton agreement,” leader of the strongest Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) Party of Democratic Action, SDA, Sulejman Tihic, said in …

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Kosovo: EULEX condemns Serb roadblocks

The EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo has condemned the use of roadblocks by local Serbs, who are attempting to stop EULEX custom officers from working in the north of the country. Roadblocks were erected on Monday and Tuesday on the roads leading to Gates 1 and 31 in northern Kosovo, …

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