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Bosnia’s IMF Arrangement Shelved

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, has put on hold Bosnia’s €1.2 billion stand-by arrangement after the country failed to implement the agreed cuts to its ‘excessive’ public spending. The next round of negotiations could start in September, but only if Bosnia and Herzegovina goes back to the initial agreement and …

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Kosovo: NATO Draw-Down ‘Linked to Afghanistan’

Defence experts believe that NATO’s draw-down of troops in Kosovo is linked to the alliance’s expanding operations in Afghanistan. NATO defence ministers agreed earlier this month to reduce the KFOR troop presence in Kosovo, taking into account the steady improvement of the security situation there. NATO is expected to cut …

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No Progress in Macedonia Name Row

Monday’s round of resumed “name” talks between Macedonia and Greece in Geneva produced no fresh proposals for name and no real progress, but both sides demonstrated a willingness to find a solution, the UN mediator said. Speaking at a press conference following the meeting, mediator Matthew Nimetz said that the …

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