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Georgia to be cornered dropping out of CIS

The decision of the Georgian parliament to leave CIS has a technical nature, but corner Georgia, said vice-chairman of international affairs committee of State Duma Andrey Climov. According to him, problems of Georgia started from the moment when they reoriented from CIS to other far horizons, such as “Washington, Brussels …

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Ban Calls on Kosovo to Work with UNMIK

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has called on Kosovo’s local institutions to take a more constructive stance towards UNMIK. The call was made in a report for the Security Council which outlines the work of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. Kosovo authorities, according to Mr …

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Novi premijer

Author: Mirza Čubro Mustafa Mujezinović bit će novi premijer Federacije BiH. Friško imenovano Predsjedništvo SDA kandidiralo ga je na ovu funkciju, a imajući u vidu prešutni dogovor stranaka vladajuće koalicije u nemiješanje u kadrovska rješenja, izvjesno je njegovo imenovanje na ovu funkciju. Mujezinović je bivši guverner Kantona Sarajevo i ambasador …

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