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More Kosovo Serbs Wish to Return Home

Serbia’s Deputy Minister for Kosovo, Bojan Andjelkovic, announced yesterday that 450 Kosovo Serb families have expressed their desire to return to their homes in Kosovo. “By Friday, there were 450 families registered [to return to their homes in Kosovo]. Since the campaign will continue until the end of June, I …

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Italy, Romania Back Serbia EU Bid

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and Romanian Foreign Minister Cristian Diaconescu told Serbian officials in Belgrade yesterday that they supported Serbia’s European integration and visa liberalisation for Serbian citizens traveling to the EU. The Italian and Romanian foreign ministers issued a joint statement recommending that the interim agreement between Serbia …

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UNMIK Prepares for Two More Years in Kosovo

UNMIK is making preparations for at least two more years in Kosovo, despite calls from the Kosovo Government to end its presence in the country. The timeframe emerged in a tender from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, which is ordering in two years of fuel, with the option to …

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