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NATO, Russian ministers to hold first post-Georgia talks on June 27

Brussels – NATO’s foreign ministers are set to hold the first formal talks with their Russian counterpart since last summer’s Georgia war on June 27, NATO officials said Wednesday. The 29 members of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), NATO’s 28 and Russia’s, are to meet on the fringes of an informal …

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Financing of Danube River 2 will not be stopped: PM

Vidin. Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev visited Thursday the construction site of the second bridge over the Danube River between Bulgaria and Romania, FOCUS Radio-Vidin informs.

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EC mission to check on judiciary to arrive in mid-June

The European Commission’s mission to examine the state of Bulgaria’s judiciary and law enforcement will arrive in the week after June 15 2009, EC spokesperson Mark Gray was quoted as saying on June 3 by Bulgarian news agency BTA. Earlier, news agency Focus quoted Romanian newspaper Libera as reporting that …

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