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EU: Visa Liberalisation Speculation ‘Premature’

The EU has warned that speculation over when EU visa requirements will be lifted from Serbian citizens is ”premature”. Pierre Mirel, director of the West Balkan Directorate at the EU General Directorate for Enlargement, said the European Commission must first prepare well-founded and researched reports on the progress of the …

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20 dead as US, Afghans battle suicide bombers

KABUL Eleven Taliban suicide bombers attacked government buildings in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, sparking running gunbattles that killed at least 20 people and wounded three U.S. troops, officials said. U.S. and Afghan troops freed 20 hostages taken by the insurgents. The assault began around 10 a.m. when a suicide bomber …

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Raspisana potjernica za Branimirom Glavašem

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Županijski sud u Zagrebu jučer je odredio pritvor i naredio raspisivanje potjernice za Branimirom Glavašem, zastupnikom u Saboru Hrvatske, koji je prošle sedmice osuđen na deset godina zatvora zbog zločina nad srpskim civilima u Osijeku. Prethodno je saborska komisija ukinula imunitet Glavašu, koji je prošle sedmice …

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