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Macedonia’s Alexander Deemed “Too Big”

The size and cost of the Alexander the Great statue planned for Skopje’s central square, as well as the lack of transparency on the part of the authorities over its commissioning, has provoked a series of attacks on the proposal. Art critics, sculptors and architects alike argue that the grandiose …

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Missing EU Kosovo Funds Not Investigated

Media has pointed to evidence of corruption in tender and administration procedures while Kosovo was under administration of the United Nations Mission to the country, UNMIK, between the years 1999 and 2008. The Daily Telegraph has reported that millions of euros of EU funds used to finance contracts and projects …

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Tadic Calls Hague’s Ruling ‘Disappointing’

The President of Serbia Boris Tadic has called the decision of the International War Crimes Tribunal to triple Veselin Sljivancanin’s sentence ‘disappointing’. But at the same time, Tadic said the Tribunal’s decision should not be ‘brought into question’. In an interview with the daily Politika, Tadic said that questioning the …

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