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Karadzic requests documents from German government

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands Peter Robinson, the legal adviser to former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, is requesting certain documents from the German government to bolster his client’s defence, media reported on Sunday (May 3rd).

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Serbia investigates Kosovo cabinet minister

BELGRADE, Serbia Kosovo’s transport and telecommunications minister, Fatmir Limaj, is the subject of a probe by Serbian war crimes prosecutors, media in Belgrade reported Sunday (May 3rd). The investigation is into Limaj’s alleged involvement in crimes against Serb civilians in the Drenica region. Limaj has already stood trial at The …

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Saakashvili Calls on Georgian Army Mutineers to Lay Down Arms

May 5 (Bloomberg) — Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili called on about 500 mutineers at a military base near the central city of Gori to surrender and said talks are under way with the organizers of the rebellion. “This is a serious challenge, and we accept this challenge,” Saakashvili said today …

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