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Bosnia Risks Violating CEFTA Trade Agreement

The Bosnian Parliament has adopted, in its first reading, a law envisaging better protection of local farmers against imported goods from neighbouring countries. If confirmed, this law could violate regional the CEFTA free trade agreement. “Customs are being imposed on goods from Croatia and Serbia,” read the front-page title in …

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EU Urges Slovenia and Croatia to Settle Row

The European Union urged both Slovenia and Croatia to find the solution to the border dispute, which would unblock Zagreb’s attempts to meet deadlines for EU accession. “We underline the urgency attached to this issue since the whole time-line is at stake and there are implications not only for Croatia …

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Abolition of Schengen Visa Regime for Serbia

The Special Advisor for EU enlargement, Erhard Busek, said that the Schengen visa regime could be abolished by the end of the year for Serbian citizens. The same announcement came from Serbian Interor Minister, Ivica Dacic. “The abolishment of visas is supposed to occur during the Swedish EU presidency in …

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