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Student Revolt in Croatia Intensifies

Students nationwide intensify their protests for free higher level education, as more towns rally and join the cause. The protests continues even after the Faculty of Philosophy was closed down by students last week, who have organized themselves in actions which demonstrate their demand for free higher education. They have …

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Council of Europe to Support Serbia

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe should decide tomorrow on whether to support European integration of Serbia, according to Radio Deutche Welle. The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly is scheduled for tomorrow, and up for discussion will be whether or not to adopt certain resolutions and recommendations that …

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Cine se teme de cetăţenia europeană pentru basarabeni?

Autor: Dan Dungaciu „O cercetare a istoriei contorsionate a acestui teritoriu ne ajută să înţelegem originile acestei confuzii legate de identitatea moldovenească… Problemele identităţii moldoveneşti trec dincolo de geografie şi cetăţenie; ajung chiar la nivelul limbii şi al conştiinţei”. (Louis O’Neil, „The World Street Journal”, 21 aprilie 2009) Poticnirea Bruxellesului …

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