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End to EU Visa Regime for Serbs Possible in 2009

Visa restrictions for Serbs traveling throughout the EU are expected to be abolished by the end of the year, says Foreign Affairs Minister Vuk Jeremic, after his meeting with EU officials Javier Solana and Oli Rehn. Jeremic also announced that he expects the EU to make decision on financial help …

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EU Considers €5 Billion Rescue Loan for Romania

EU Finance Ministers, on May 5, will discuss a proposed €5 billion loan in financial assistance for Romania to help the Balkan country deal with the effects of the financial crisis, the EU said on Tuesday. “The proposed European Union loan is part of a multilateral package which will total …

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‘Kosovo on the Right Path to Recognition’

Kosovo recognitions will very much depend on the authorities’ commitment to the process, says James Rubin, Diplomatic Advisor to the US Secretary of State. In an interview for Kosovo’s private television, RTV21, Rubin declared that “the long battle for recognition will depend on the policies Kosovo’s leadership is about to …

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