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Bosnian Serb Leader Warns US: ‘Stay Away’

The Premier of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska has warned the United States of America to refrain from appointing a special envoy for the troubled country. “Dodik warns Americans: stay away from the adventure,” Bosnia’s news web portal Pincom reported, quoting Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik’s statement given to journalists in Banja …

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Kosovo Marks Constitution Anniversary

Legislators from Kosovo’s assembly gathered for a special meeting on Wednesday to mark the one-year anniversary of the country’s first constitution as an independent state. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on February 17 of last year and agreed its first constitution on April 9. The constitution emphasises minority rights and …

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Gambia Recognises Kosovo

Gambia recognized Kosovo last night, becoming the 57 state to do so. Located in Western Africa, the ex British colony’s population is 90 per cent Muslim. According to Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gambia’s recognition follows the latest meeting of Kosovo’s head of diplomacy, Skender Hyseni, with Gambia’s ambassador to …

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