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Obama brings Afghan plan to NATO allies

President Barack Obama on Friday will present his new strategy for Afghanistan to NATO allies who are increasingly reluctant to commit more ground troops to the escalating war effort. The military alliance‘s annual summit this year coincides with NATO’s 60th anniversary. While NATO leaders have emphasized that the meeting Friday …

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20 Taliban Insurgents Killed In Afghanistan

A joint team of Afghan and U.S. coalition forces battled a large group of suspected Taliban militants in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand province before calling in an air strike that killed 20 insurgents, the coalition said in a statement Thursday. The coalition said dozens of insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades and …

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Semnificaţia geopolitică a votului din 5 aprilie

Autor: Dan Dungaciu „Politica internaţională se referă întotdeauna, cu toată prietenia şi relaţiile comune, şi la susţinerea interesului propriei ţări” (Cancelarul german Angela Merkel, New York Times, 29 martie 2009)Declaraţia cancelarului german, dintr-un interviu oferit presei americane, justifică franc divergenţele dintre Germania şi SUA faţă de modul în care trebuie …

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