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Greece paralysed by 24-hour strike

ATHENS, Greece – Greece is being paralysed by a 24-hour national strike Thursday (April 2nd) organised by the two largest trade unions in the country — the General Confederation of Workers of Greece and the Civil Servants Supreme Administrative Council.

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Kosovo opposition parties want local elections in October

PRISTINA, Kosovo – Opposition parties asked President Fatmir Sejdiu on Wednesday (April 1st) to schedule local elections in October. The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, and Reformist Party leader Teuta Sahatcia say the elections should be held before cold weather sets in.

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Turkey hosts trilateral meeting with Afghanistan, Pakistan

ANKARA, Turkey – President Abdullah Gul hosted the third trilateral meeting among counterparts from Afghanistan and Pakistan on Wednesday (April 1st). Gul, Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai and Pakistan’s Asif Ali Zardari discussed ways to strengthen relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan, joint economic projects, and the fight against terrorism in the context …

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