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Slovenia Looks to Ease Motorway Row with EU

Slovenia announced Thursday that it will introduce one-week motorway stickers, following criticism from Brussels that the longer-term passes discriminated against foreign visitors. “The government will propose amending the current law on roads in order to introduce seven-day vignettes at a price of €15,” Transport Minister Patrick Vlacic told journalists.

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Bulgarian Kids Smoking ‘Above EU Average’

Bulgarian students are more often drunk and smoke a lot more than the majority of their European fellows. The European school and research project on alcohol and other drugs 2007 survey report was presented on late Thursday. The survey showed that 24 percent of students in Bulgaria have tried illegal …

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Serbia’s Holy Men Attack Organ Transplants

Churches and religious communities in Serbia are planning to join forces again to prevent the adoption of a Law on organ transplants, Balkan Insight has learned from a senior official from the Catholic Church. Right now there’s only a working version, draft of this law, which means it is far …

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