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Turkish police detain former mayor in probe over missing Kurds

ANKARA, Turkey – Police arrested Kamil Atak, former mayor of the south-eastern town of Cizre, as part of a probe into the alleged killings of Kurds by Turkish security forces in the 1990s, media reported on Sunday (March 22nd). Police nabbed him in a raid late Saturday in the province …

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Report: Turkey may veto Rasmussen’s candidacy for NATO secretary-general

ANKARA, Turkey – Media quoted government officials as saying on Sunday (March 22nd) that Turkey may block Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s candidacy for the NATO secretary-general position. Ankara has expressed concerns over Denmark’s previous decision to allow Kurdish Roj TV, often criticised by Turkish authorities for distributing statements …

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Albania’s ruling coalition signs pre-election agreement

TIRANA, Albania – The ruling coalition, consisting of the Democratic Party (DP) and the Republican Party (RP), signed a pre-election agreement ahead of the June parliamentary elections Saturday (March 21st). Under the agreement, both parties will commit to focusing all resources and efforts on winning the elections. “I believe this …

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