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Romanian Railways To Cut Jobs

BUCHAREST, Romania — The Romanian Transportation Ministry said Friday that it plans to cut the number of railway employees by 12,000. The plan was sent to the unions who rejected it and threatened protests. Union leader Gheorghe Popa said the ministry did not include social protection measures for those who …

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Bulgaria to Seek Russian Funding of NPP Construction

Bulgaria has initiated talks with Russia for a EUR3.8 billion for the construction of its second NPP in Belene, Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov said Monday. Dimitrov who was on an official visit to Moscow last week told the Bulgarian National radio that the decision to seek Russian funding …

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Chinese, Bulgarian foreign ministers hold talks in Beijing

BEIJING – Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with visiting Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivailo Kalfin here Monday. Yang applauded Sino-Bulgarian fruitful cooperation in the areas of politics, culture, the economy and trade, as well as science and education, saying both countries have maintained …

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