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Greece Sentences Macedonia Activist

One of the leading figures and symbols of the unrecognized Macedonian minority movement in northern Greece, the orthodox priest Nikodim Carknjas claims he is a victim of classic state sponsored repression. He was recently sentenced to six months in prison for beating of a 12 year old seven years ago. …

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Hague Prosecutor to Visit Serbia

Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will visit Belgrade in late March to speak with Serbian officials, said his spokeswoman Olga Kavran. At a regular Tribunal press conference, Kavran said that this would be a regular, working visit, during which the chief prosecutor would be meeting Serbian officials responsible for cooperation …

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Bulgaria Targets €190 Million for Jobs

The Bulgarian government will allocate an additional 190 million euro to training and job creation in an attempt to offset the effects the economic slowdown is having on the labour market, Social Minister Emilia Maslarova said. The new funds, under the Human Resources Operational Programme will be aimed at improving …

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