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Ex-Kosovo Leader Denies Organ Trade

Agim Ceku, Kosovo’s former prime minister and a former commander of Kosovo’s Liberation Army, KLA, told a Montenegrin TV that he did not know of any organised trade in human organs harvested from kidnapped Kosovo Serbs, referring to such claims as ”biased”. “These are such monstrous accusations that they deserve …

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Macedonia on Reconciliation Visit To Serbia

Macedonia’s Parliament Speaker TrajkoVeljanoski visited Belgrade on Tuesday, the first official visit by a Macedonian official to Serbia since Skopje’s decision in October 2008 to recognise Kosovo’s independence cast a shadow over bilateral relations between the two countries. After meeting Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, Veljanovsko said the visit as …

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Kosovo Movement Files Charges Against Serbs

Kosovo’s popularist Vetevendosje movement has filed criminal charges against 93 leaders of Serb so called parallel institutions to Pristina’s District Court, including a charge against Goran Bogdnaovic, Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo. Vetevendosje’s leader, Albin Kurti, said his movement filed the charges so that Kosovo’s government can no longer pretend that …

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