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European Parliament pledges strong support for Kosovo

The Republic of Kosovo chief diplomat, Skender Hyseni, met with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, on Tuesday in Strasbourg whom he informed about the development and achievements in Kosovo since the declaration of independence last year. The Kosovar Foreign Minister Hyseni discussed with the President of the …

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Kosovo appeals court clears Albanian in bus bombing

Pristina,  – European Union judges in a Kosovo appeals court cleared an Albanian man who had previously been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the 2001 bombing of a Serbian bus, local reports said Friday. The appeals court ruled Thursday that the evidence against Florim Ejupi was insufficient for …

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No devaluation in Macedonia, Vice-Premier Stavreski says

Ohrid, – There will be no devaluation in Macedonia. The country has sufficient reserves and thanking to the reforms, sound monetary, fiscal policy, stoically deals with the crisis, Vice-Premier Zoran Stavreski said Friday during his visit to Ohrid.

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