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Athens Police Disperse Youths With Teargas

Greece has been rocked by violence since December, when the fatal police shooting of a teenager triggered the worst riots in decades. Greek police fired teargas to disperse a group of about 150 hooded youths who damaged dozens of shops in the centre of Athens on Friday, police said. Greece …

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Russia Tries New Tactics to Quell Insurgency

Ingushetia has overtaken its neighbour Chechnya as the centre of violence along Russia’s turbulent south challenging the Kremlin. The man chosen to rein in Russia’s most violent insurgency says he will tackle the root of the problem by stamping out the official corruption driving young men into the arms of …

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EU Delays Decision On Changing Bosnia Troops` Role

Others say Brussels should move quickly with plans to replace the OHR with a enhanced EU High Representative. The European Union agreed on Thursday to delay changing the role of its military force in Bosnia but expects its candidate for the country’s next high representative to be approved this month, …

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