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Party Seeks Resignation From Slovenian President

Representatives of the party `New Slovenia´ consider that Tuerk should condemn the crimes in Huda Jama, and SLS seeks his resignation. The Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk said on Sunday that he recognises the political manipulation in the calls that he visit the grave in the pit in Huda Jama, Slovenia. …

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Kosovo`s Thaci Invites Serbia`s Tadic for Handshake

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has invited Serbia’s President Boris Tadic to meet in Pristina to discuss bilateral cooperation between the two states. “You know that Belgrade wants handcuffs and keys for me every day,” he told media in the Serb-populated town of Cagllavica on Sunday, saying instead that he …

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Czech Republic To Reduce Kosovo Troops

The Czech Republic has confirmed speculation that it will reduce the number of troops it has serving in Kosovo under NATO, while speculation over a possible reduction of German troops in the country continues. Speaking on Czech television, the Czech Defence Minister Vlasta Parkanova said that her country will reduce …

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