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Two Turkish Soldiers Killed In Helicopter Crash

The Sikorsky helicopter was travelling from Malatya in eastern Turkey to the capital Ankara when it went down in Kayseri province. Two Turkish soldiers were killed when their helicopter crashed in central Turkey on Saturday, the state-run Anatolian news agency said. The Sikorsky helicopter was travelling from Malatya in eastern …

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Medvedev Urges Russians To Hang Tough Despite Woe

In a nine-minute address he admitted that the global economic crisis had derailed many of his plans. President Dmitry Medvedev urged Russian on Saturday to keep “moving forward” in spite of economic hardship in a speech that marked his first full year in office. In a nine-minute address posted as …

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Hierarchs from Orthodox states attend church service in Moscow

MOSCOW, March 8 – Diplomats and hierarchs from Orthodox countries attended the Feast of Orthodoxy at the Savior Cathedral in Moscow on Sunday. The feast is celebrated on the first Sunday of Lent by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholics of the Byzantine Rite to commemorate the return of …

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