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“Eurabia”: the concept and the phenomenon The recent upheavals in the Arab world, as well as the demographic phenomena in Europe have brought into the lights the idea of “Eurabia”, a concept far more complex than what it was considered several years ago, when it was launched by researcher Bat …

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Surging extremism in Europe – trend and threat analysis

Extremism in modern and post modern times is characteristic for all societies and areas of thinking/belief. There have always been people attracted by the extreme (or, as they put it, the “pure”) expression of a religion/theory. So far, the so-called “fringe” movements of all kind were not considered a considerable …

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Separatism in Europe: current and medium term assessment

1. Overview The separatist phenomenon and the corresponding autonomist and secessionist parties and movements in Europe, as in the rest of the continents, is a result of long historic processes and, as such, they are a constant challenge for the nation-state authorities, as well as for the supra-national ones (the …

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