“Sacramento police want your guns in exchange for gas money,” says a May 6 Sacramento Bee headline. The department asks residents to give away their firearms, which the Second Amendment authorizes them to keep and bear, for a $50 gas gift card that would not even provide a fill-up for …
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Threat of being sent to Rwanda ‘harming health of UK asylum seekers’
Rights organisations say refugees going into hiding as Home Office admits LGBTQ+ people could face persecution in African country Ministers’ threats to send unauthorised migrants to Rwanda are having a detrimental impact on the physical and psychological health of people seeking asylum, according to two major refugee charities. The British …
Read More »Major decline in West African piracy, but Gulf of Guinea remains world hotspot
Piracy off West African in 2021 declined dramatically – almost by half compared to the previous year – but the region still remains the world’s piracy hotspot, according to Dryad Global. In its annual report for 2021/22, the maritime risk company stated that “the precipitous decline in piracy throughout West …
Read More »Despite the Stalemate in Baghdad, Iraq’s Political Winds Are Shifting
Iraq has blown past all the constitutional deadlines to form a government in the aftermath of its October 2021 parliamentary elections, the results of which initially threatened to upend Iraq’s system of sectarian kleptocracy. Instead, seven months after the election, Iraq’s government formation talks appear to have reached a stalemate, …
Read More »Africa’s Stalled Post-Coup ‘Transitions’ Are Telling Us Something
The spate of military takeovers and attempted coups across Africa over the past two years has led to speculation in some quarters about a generalized “return to military rule” or “coup contagion” on the continent. In August 2020, a group of Malian officers led by Col. Assimi Goita overthrew the …
Read More »Algeria Makes for a Risky Partner to Help Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis
The war in Ukraine has exacerbated Europe’s energy crisis, leaving the European Union desperately seeking alternative sources of supply to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels. Among the states in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia the EU has turned to in efforts to diversify its energy …
Read More »En Ethiopie, la pire sécheresse « jamais vécue » ravage les vies des nomades somali
Dans l’est du pays, il n’a pas plu depuis dix-huit mois, dévastant le cheptel et mettant une partie de la population en grave insécurité alimentaire. Quasiment pas une goutte de pluie depuis dix-huit mois. A Hargududo, village de la région Somali en Ethiopie, les habitants montrent à l’AFP les cadavres …
Read More »Algérie : Vladimir Poutine invite Abdelmadjid Tebboune à Moscou
Le chef de la diplomatie russe, Sergueï Lavrov, a effectué une visite de deux jours à Alger, où il a été reçu par son homologue, Ramtane Lamamra, ainsi que par le président Abdelmadjid Tebboune, convié à Moscou par Vladimir Poutine pour une visite officielle. Le chef de la diplomatie russe, …
Read More »SDF arrests suspected ISIS facilitator in Deir al-Zor: coalition
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured a suspected ISIS facilitator in an operation near the Euphrates River Valley in Syria’s eastern Deir al-Zor province, the US-led Special Operations Joint Task Force-Levant (SOJTF LEVANT) announced on Tuesday morning.
Read More »Imagining a Postwar Ukraine
A Country With More Military and Tech Power—but Fewer Ukrainians Ten weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is hard to see how and when the war will end. At the end of March, the Russian army withdrew from around Kyiv, but it is still pounding Kharkiv and Mariupol and …
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