The Committee on the Protection of Rights of Forced Migrants has learned that on June 17, in the village of Surkhakhi, armed people in masks broke into the courtyard of the Aushev family, where three families lived.
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US finds neglected Iraqi orphans
Two dozen boys have been found starved and neglected at a government-run orphanage for special needs children in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
Read More »Egyptian Capital Market Authority sets new qualifications for people working in capital market
The Egyptian Capital Market Authority (CMA) with support from the Securities & Investment Institute (SII) in London is set to introduce a challenging new regime for individuals working in the Egyptian securities and investment industry.
Read More »Nato troops killed by Afghan bomb
Three Canadian Nato soldiers have been killed by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan, military officials say.Their vehicle was “struck by an improvised explosive device”, the 37-nation force said in a statement.
Read More »Taliban put up a new fight
KABUL – With the Taliban geared for their biggest push of the year to take control of southern Afghanistan, district by district, coupled with suicide attacks in the cities, Western intelligence believes that the killing of Mullah Dadullah was a big mistake.
Read More »Boc: Va fi referendum în cazul în care nu se adoptă votul uninominal în această sesiune
Partidul Democrat cere PNL şi PSD să-şi asume proiectul de lege privind introducerea votului uninominal şi să urgenteze dezbaterea lui în Parlament. Boc a cerut ca acesta să fie adoptat până la sfârşitul acestei sesiuni parlamentare.
Read More »PD nu va participa la consultările cu premierul Tăriceanu
Preşedintele PD Emil Boc a anunţat că democraţii nu vor trimite nicio delegaţie la consultările de astăzi cu premierul Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, care convocase partidele parlamentare pentru stabilirea datei pentru alegerile PE.
Read More »Consilierul de stat Silviu Barbu a demisionat de la Cotroceni
La nici nouă luni de la numirea în funcţie, prin detaşare de la Tribunalul Braşov, unde era judecător, consilierul de stat Silviu Barbu a demisionat de la Cotroceni, după ce interceptarea uneia dintre convorbirile sale telefonice a ajuns la un post central de televiziune.
Read More »High-profile war crimes trial kicks off in Croatia
A crucial war crimes trial against two former high-ranking Croat officers, accused of atrocities against ethnic Serbs during a 1993 military operation, opened in Zagreb on Monday (June 18th) amid tight security.
Read More »Iraqi refugees in Syria face poverty trap
Among the impoverished Iraqi refugees queuing for food aid at a Catholic charity in Damascus stands 65-year-old Hirmiz Hanna, puzzled and upset at his fate.
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