EU member states have decided to declassify the technical evaluation reports for Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen Accession and to send them to the European Parliament. The EP has stated that it received more information in 2007 when eight Eastern European countries joined Schengen than now with Bulgaria and Romania. It …
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Greece and Macedonia failed to reach an agreement on name issue
Athens and Skopje have failed to agree to a concrete name proposal, UN mediator Matthew Nimetz said after meeting with the two sides on Wednesday. Nimetz said that while there is no proposal, there are a lot of elements on the table that the
Read More »Serbian FM met with RS President
Serbian foreign minister Jeremic met with the president of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, on Wednesday in Banja Luka, the capital of Bosnia’s predominantly Serb entity. Jeremic said that Serbia has a vital interest in the prosperity and stability of Republika Srpska, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the western Balkans.
Read More »Albanian parties miss deadlines for May local elections
Every political party in Albania missed initial deadlines set by the Central Election Commission, thus jeopardising the normal timetable for the May 8th local elections. The deadline for submitting
Read More »Croatia could receive date for wrapping up EU negotiations in April
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, said on Tuesday (February 8th) that Croatia may receive a date for wrapping up its EU negotiations in April. After talks
Read More »Czech president backs Macedonia’s EU integration
Czech President Vaclav Klaus voiced support Tuesday (February 8th) for Macedonia’s bid to join the EU. After talks with Macedonian counterpart Gjorge Ivanov in Prague, Klaus said
Read More »International Steering Group (ISG): the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should resolve practical issues
After a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday (February 8th), the International Steering Group (ISG) said the proposed dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should identify and resolve practical issues of the interest to both countries. Kosovo was represented at the meeting by acting Foreign Minister
Read More »NATO conference to be held in Belgrade in June
Serbian Defense Minister Dragan Šutanovac expects that ruling coalition’s leaders will meet in the next few days to discuss the government reshuffle. NATO strategic conference dubbed “After Lisbon – implementation of transformation” will be held in Belgrade in June. A total of 69 countries will attend the meeting and 28 …
Read More »Serbia and Croatia both request serb paramilitary extradition
Serbia and Croatia have sent requests for the extradition of Serb paramilitary Milorad Momic, who was recently arrested in France on January 31 on an interpol warrant issued by Serbia.
Read More »U.S. diplomat for Political-Millitary Affairs visits Priština
The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs, Thomas Countryman, will visit Priština today, and then head for Macedonia and Albania. His visit comes during negotiations to form a government there.
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