Regional Policy Commissioner Paweł Samecki urged Croatian authorities to speed up the preparations for usage of the pre-accession EU funds, which will enable Croatia to withdraw 2.2 billion euros. He said that Croatia will be able to withdraw about 2.2 billion euros, during the first two years of its EU …
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EP Committee hails setting date for start of Macedonia’s EU entry talks
European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee voted Wednesday to approve amendments to Macedonia report, demanding that EU sets a date for accession talks with Macedonia in March this year. A total of 56 MEPs hailed the amendments, with five MEPs opposing them.
Read More »Georgian official will discuss situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia with NATO Secretary-General
The situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia will be the main topic of the meeting of Georgian Parliamentary Speaker David Bakradze and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to be held in Brussels today.
Read More »Serbian FM to attend church holiday in Montenegro
Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic is to attend the celebrations in honor of Saint Sava in Bijelo Polje, Montenegro. Jeremic arrives at the invitation of bishop Joanikije of Budim and Niksic. The Montenegrin foreign ministry is officially informed about the Serbian foreign minister’s visit.
Read More »Bulgaria blocks Greek border
The Bulgarian Business Association took a decision to block the Ilinden and Kulata boarded checkpoints on February 1 in response to the protests of Greek agricultural producers along the Bulgarian – Greek boarder, the Chairman of the association Svetlozar Nikolov announced.
Read More »Hague Prosecutor Insists Mladic and Hadzic are in Serbia
The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, Serge Brammertz, says that the most wanted fugitives in the region, Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic, are hiding on Serbian soil. “On the basis of information received from Serbia we have no reason to believe that they …
Read More »Macedonia, Greece Meeting Confirmed
Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas confirmed that he will meet his Macedonia counterpart Antonio Milososki later on Wednesday at the sidelines of the international conference on Afghanistan being held in London. This meeting was announced in the latest press release by the Greek Foreign Ministry issued late Tuesday.
Read More »Inzko Calls on EU to Maintain Focus on Bosnia
Negative political trends in Bosnia must be taken very seriously and require the urgent attention of the European Union, the international community’s High Representative to Bosnia Valentin Inzko said. “In the last four years Bosnia has been in a political stalemate…not a single new reform has been adopted that would …
Read More »Poštovati odluke visokog predstavnika
BRISEL, SARAJEVO, BANJALUKA Ministri vanjskih poslova EU upozorili su političke predstavnike u BiH da ne osporavaju autoritet visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice za BiH te da provode njegove odluke. Vijeće EU na istoj je sjednici odlučilo da produži mandat svoje vojne misije u BiH. “EU podvlači svoju potpuno opredijeljenost teritorijalnom integritetu …
Read More »Croatia reacts to Tadić’s UNSC speech
Croatia wrote a letter to the UN Security Council stating that Serbian President Boris Tadić’s address regarding this country was “unfounded.” Croatia believes that Tadić “used the Kosovo debate” to make an “unfounded response” to outgoing Croat President Stjepan Mesić’s statements that he would intervene militarily against Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
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