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Fierce fighting continues in Afghanistan

Taliban Mujahiddeen fired 30 rockets at a base of American troops in Naway Adda, Barmal district of Paktika province on the nigh between Thursday and Friday, Dr. Muhammad Hanif, spokesman of Taliban government told Afghan Islamic Press. He said they do not have details about the damage caused by the …

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Tel Aviv bomber kills 9

TEL AVIV (AP) — A Palestinian suicide bomber struck a packed fast-food restaurant in Tel Aviv during the Jewish holiday of Passover on Monday, killing nine people and wounding dozens in the deadliest bombing in more than a year.

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Gulf Arab states will oppose US strike on Iran — Rafsanjani

KUWAIT CITY (AFP) — Iran’s influential former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said Monday he was sure the Islamic republic’s Gulf neighbours would not support any US assault on his country over its nuclear programme. “We are certain that Gulf countries will not back the United States in waging an attack …

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Sophisticated centrifuge?

TEHRAN — Iran’s president has thrown a new wrinkle into the nuclear debate by claiming his country is testing a more sophisticated type of centrifuge for enriching uranium — a device that could be used to more speedily create fuel for either power plants or for atomic weapons.

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Siniora heads to US seeking Bush backing

BEIRUT (AP) — Prime Minister Fuad Siniora headed to Washington on Monday for a meeting with US President George W. Bush where he was expected to seek American political and economic support for Lebanon’s efforts to extend its authority over all Lebanese territory and revive the war-shattered economy.

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