TimeLine Layout

October, 2005

  • 26 October

    West seeks Russian backing over Iran programme

    VIENNA (AFP) — The United States and the European Union will hold off taking Iran before the UN Security Council over its nuclear programme until they get Russia to back them and may even allow Tehran to do some nuclear fuel work, diplomats told AFP. “If the Russians don’t come …

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  • 26 October

    Saddam’s strategy for martyrdom

    BAGHDAD — Saddam Hussein sat in the dock last Wednesday in the building which once housed the national and international headquarters of his Baath Party in Baghdad, looked up at the senior judge on the bench, and paused for a beat or two before answering his question. “I’ve said what …

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  • 26 October

    Israeli-Palestinian women’s group launches personal crusade for peace

    WASHINGTON — Three women sharing a hunger, not for fast food, but peace, chatted away in a food court at Washington’s ornate Union Station Monday — completely ignored in the rush of travellers grabbing a lunchtime snack. But their gathering was poignant, and remarkable, because as each one admitted, it …

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  • 24 October

    Lebanese Senior Officials Warn against Mehlis Report

    Beirut, Oct.24 (SANA)- Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saleem al-Hoss has warned against allowing any foreign party to exploit the report of the international investigation committee concerning the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri to torpedo foundation of relations with Syria.

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  • 24 October

    Iranian Expert & Iranian Newspaper Criticize Mehlis Report

    The Iranian International Expert and Chairman of Eurosweek institution for studies in London Berzou Moujtahed Zada said Monday that report of the International investigation committee on the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafik al-Hariri raised the astonishment and where it agrees with America and Israel’s accusations against Syria. Iranian news …

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  • 24 October

    Statement of Damascus Condemns the US Threats and Mehlis Report

    Hundreds of Thousands of Damascene took to the streets in a demonstration to protest the international report on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and support of Syria ‘s stances. The participants raised President Bashar al-Assad’s photos and banners that voice the firm national unity in facing …

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  • 24 October

    Siria, incoltita de “Raportul Mehlis”

    Arta tergiversarii Indulcirea tonului autoritatilor siriene survine intr-un moment extrem de delicat. Concluziile raportului urmeaza a fi discutate maine in Consiliul de Securitate al ONU, care va dezbate si ce masuri punitive se impun. Statele Unite au sustinut aplicarea unor sanctiuni economice, insa, dupa cat se pare, Consiliul s-ar putea …

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  • 24 October

    In curand, baze militare americane in Dobrogea

    Prezenta unor baze militare americane pe teritoriul Romaniei este aproape certa. Presedintele Traian Basescu a discutat despre acest subiect duminica, la Palatul Cotroceni, cu consilierul pentru securitate nationala al presedintelui SUA, Stephen Hadley (foto). Bazele militare americane ar putea fi instalate, in curand, la Babadag, Constanta sau chiar la Fetesti, …

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  • 21 October

    Invaders brutally torture civilians of Nalchik

    After Thursday’s attack by Mujahideen on police and security facilities in city of Nalchik, Russian invaders who have rushed into it began rage in there. They rounded up more than three dozen people – most of them Muslim men, who were proclaimed as “arrested militants”.

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  • 21 October

    Declaraţia Ministerului de Externe al R.l. Iran cu privire la Rezoluţia AIEA adoptata de un grup de un grup de state membre

    In numele lui Dumnezeu, cel atotputernic In data de 24 septembrie 2005, Consiliul Guvernatorilor AgenÅ£iei Internationale pentru Energie Atomica a supus votului RezoluÅ£ia cu nr. 70/2005/GOV, ale cărei prevederi au creat divergente considerabile membrii AgenÅ£iei, ceea ce indica lipsa unui consens internaÅ£ional in acest sens, fiind totodată considerate o ilustrare …

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