TimeLine Layout

August, 2005

  • 22 August

    Impasse on Iraq constitution as new deadline looms

    BAGHDAD (AP) — A day before the deadline for the new constitution, Sunni Arabs appealed Sunday to the United States to prevent Shiites and Kurds from pushing a draft through parliament with their consent, warning it would only worsen the crisis in Iraq. Leaders of the Sunni Arabs, Shiite and …

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  • 22 August

    Israeli bulldozers reduce Gaza settler homes to rubble

    PEAT SADE, Gaza Strip — “The world turns. A while ago we were destroying Palestinian homes, and now we’re destroying Jewish homes,” remarked an Israeli soldier on Sunday as he watched bulldozers smash into the homes of settlers evicted from the Gaza Strip. The modest homes in the tiny settlement …

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  • 22 August

    Somali president rules out disarmament by force

    NAIROBI — Somalia’s president vowed on Sunday to use persuasion rather than force to disarm its many militias, saying warlords and businessmen should realise it was in their interests to demobilise the gunmen they control. In a Reuters interview, Abdullahi Yusuf, whose government is beset by wrangling about where it …

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  • 22 August

    Top general says current level of troops in Iraq may be needed through 2009

    WASHINGTON — The US army is planning for the possibility of keeping the current number of soldiers in Iraq — well over 100,000 — for four more years, the army’s top general said. In an Associated Press interview Saturday, Gen. Peter Schoomaker said the army is prepared for the “worst …

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  • 22 August

    Muslim Brotherhood urges voters to cast ballots in polls

    CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s largest Islamic group vowed Sunday to back none of the 10 candidates for this country’s first presidential election on Sept. 7, including President Hosni Mubarak, but still urged Egyptians to vote in the landmark polls. Speculation has been rife over whether the vastly popular Muslim Brotherhood, …

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  • 22 August

    Ahmadinejad pushes Cabinet, says no to liberalism

    TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put his proposed Cabinet to parliament Sunday, lashing out at the West and liberalism and promising a government that will “promote virtue and prohibit vice.” Signalling his shock election win had delivered a clean break from the previous reformist administration of Mohammad …

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  • 22 August

    First week of Israel’s historic withdrawal sweeping, dramatic, relatively smooth

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — So far Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza is as significant for what did not happen as for what did. No major attacks from Palestinians. No use of weapons by settlers. No significant disruption of life inside Israel. No mass refusal of soldiers to carry out orders. The army …

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  • 22 August

    Israel resumes evacuation

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — The Israeli Cabinet yesterday formally approved the evacuation of the remaining settlements in the Gaza Strip and four in the West Bank, as bulldozers tore down 30 houses in the Nissanit settlement, the first large-scale demolition of settler homes in the evacuated Gaza settlements. An Israeli court …

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  • 21 August

    Bush invokes 9/11 to defend war

    CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) — President George W. Bush said on Saturday US troops in Iraq were fighting to protect Americans at home from more attacks like those of Sept. 11, 2001, starting a five-day focus on his case for the war amid growing public discontent. “Our troops know that they’re …

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