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Democracy Is Not the Same Thing As Freedom – OpEd

In our modern world, most states are democracies or at least call themselves “democratic.” The adoption of democracy is hailed as one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Once upon a time, humanity broke out of the shackles of monarchies and has never looked back since. Nowadays, all citizens in democratic countries …

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Do EU Citizens Feel Less European?

(CORDIS) — The 2024 European elections – the world’s largest multi-country vote – saw the rise of nationalist and Eurosceptic parties. Going back a few years, there was Brexit and the debt crisis. How have these and other major events negatively impacted European identity? A report by the University of …

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Uncle Sam Wants You, To Kill And Die For The Empire – OpEd

The United States ended conscription, the military draft, in 1973. The all volunteer military came about because of mass protest over the Vietnam war. Richard Nixon believed, and not without reason, that opposition to the war would wane, and his re-election chances would improve, if young men didn’t fear being …

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How The US Can Beat The Kremlin In Moldova – Analysis

Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine was a seismic event for the Republic of Moldova. The war upended Chișinău’s long-held belief that constitutional neutrality would protect the country. Additionally, the invasion focused Brussels’s attention on Moldova, which the European Union has often regarded as an afterthought. Moscow’s war catalyzed Moldova’s politics …

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Who will win a post-heroic war? Neither side is prepared to fight

Neither the West not its enemies are prepared to fight. Some 30 years ago, I coined the phrase “post-heroic warfare” to acknowledge a new phenomenon: the very sharp reduction in the tolerance of war casualties. My starting point was President Clinton’s 1993 decision to abandon Somalia after 18 American soldiers …

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Bruits de guerre et logique géopolitique

Le monde est confronté au danger d’une grande guerre. Pour comprendre l’ampleur de cette menace, il faut aller au-delà des nouvelles en provenance d’Ukraine. Il faut aussi, d’une part, essayer d’apprécier de manière équilibrée le facteur variable de la volonté humaine dans la gestion des crises internationales et, d’autre part, …

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Why China Sat Out the Ukraine Peace Summit

Beijing’s refusal to take part does not mean it wants to keep its distance from the Ukraine war. Instead, it will look for allies in the Global South. The recent Ukraine peace summit convened by Kyiv to exert diplomatic pressure on Moscow took place without a Chinese delegation. It might …

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