Ukraine is about much more than the security of one sovereign nation. The battle for Ukraine is a battle for the new world order. In that battle, Russian President Vladimir Putin is living up to the worst expectations of Western policymakers and analysts. Unlike Chinese President Xi Jinping, Mr. Putin …
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Ukraine Deserves EU Candidate Status, Polish And Lithuanian Leaders Tell Zelenskiy
The leaders of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania on February 23 signed a joint declaration in Kyiv on February 23 saying Ukraine deserves to be granted candidate status for membership in the European Union. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the declaration sent an important signal to the people of Ukraine, and …
Read More »Russian Weakness And The Russian ‘Threat’ To The West
The current advocates for US aggression against Russia would have us believe that Russia is some sort of peer of the United States and of Western Europe. Tom Rogan at the hawkish Washington Examiner, for example, insists that Russia is a “great power,” presumably comparable to the United States in …
Read More »Neutrality For Taiwan? Why It Remains An Option
The entry of the Taiwanese delegation in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4 served again as a reminder of the largest dilemma plaguing international relations in East Asia today. As the Guardian aptly reported, its “athletes had to march under a banner saying Chinese Taipei …
Read More »Pakistan’s Taliban Plans
Pakistan’s Taliban movement, led by its most vicious and largest group, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and apparently buoyed by the recent triumph of their ethnic Pashtun cousins in Afghanistan, is revitalizing its strategy either for regional autonomy or to overthrow Pakistan’s government and replace it with an Islamic Emirate of Pakistan …
Read More »Why Is Democratic Biden Rescuing Autocratic Erdoğan at the Expense of U.S. Allies?
In early January… in a bolder, less expected and potentially damaging geostrategic move that angered all four of Turkey’s Mediterranean rivals (Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt), the Biden administration silently abandoned an eastern Mediterranean pipeline project (EastMed) that would carry Israeli gas through Cyprus to Europe. “By undermining the project, …
Read More »Прямі втрати для бізнесу РФ та росіян. Про економічні наслідки рішень Путіна
В день промови Путіна, російські фондові біржі обвалилися в масштабах, небачених із часів світової фінансової кризи 2008 року
Read More »Putin quer metade da Europa. Nós só queremos duche de água quente?
Se a Europa não se der ao respeito através da reconfiguração da sua política de segurança e energética, todos os países do ex-Pacto de Varsóvia sentirão um medo constante e, nesse medo, as forças extremistas e pró-russas ganharão ainda mais peso, criando assim o sonho de Putin: dividir a Europa …
Read More »Kommentti: Ukrainan sota on Putinin sota – tehtiinkö päätös sen aloittamisesta jo joulukuussa?
Venäjän presidentti ajoi johdonmukaisesti tilanteen tähän, kirjoittaa Ilta-Sanomien ulkomaanuutisten tuottaja Jari Alenius. Euroopassa soditaan, eikä tällä kertaa ole kyseessä mikään paikallinen etninen teurastus, vaan suurvaltapolitiikkaan kytkeytyvä, maanosan kahden pinta-alaltaan suurimman maan välienselvittely. Vakavin sitten toisen maailmansodan. Sen kaikkia seurauksia on vielä mahdoton arvailla, mutta se järisyttää Euroopan turvallisuusrakenteita ja romuttaa …
Read More »Cyberattacks accompany Russian military assault on Ukraine
Cyberattacks against Ukrainian government websites and affiliated organizations added to the confusion of Russia’s military assault Thursday, including data-wiping malware activated a day earlier that cybersecurity researchers said infected hundreds of computers including in neighboring Latvia and Lithuania. Researchers said the malware attack had apparently been in preparation for as …
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