Miami imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi said that the West is concerned with Afghan women, and asked whether what they want for them are popular competitions like Afghanistan’s Got Talent, Miss Afghanistan, or something like Hollywood. He spoke at a Friday sermon that was delivered at Masjid As Sunnah An …
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Profiles Of Afghan Taliban Ministers – Interior Minister Is On FBI’s Most Wanted List, 14 Ministers Including Prime Minister Are On UN Security Council’s Terror Blacklist
On August 15, 2021, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban jihadi organization) seized power in Afghanistan. On September 7, it announced an interim government, declaring a list of 32 acting ministers and the prime minister.[1] Two weeks later, on September 21, the jihadi group released a second list of …
Dans le contexte de crise qu’il traverse depuis plusieurs années, le Mali a plus que jamais besoin de tous ses amis et partenaires. Ce qui taraude les esprits, depuis les débuts de l’affaire Wagner : nombreux sont les partenaires de notre pays qui ne cessent de « taper du poing …
Read More »Shadow contracts, corruption keep the lights out in Iraq
In the Baghdad suburb of Sadr City, glossy election campaign posters are plastered alongside jungles of sagging electrical wires lining the alleyway to Abu Ammar’s home. But his mind is far from Iraq’s Oct. 10 federal election. The 56-year-old retired soldier’s social welfare payments barely cover the cost of food …
Read More »The Government can’t shirk blame for the HGV driver shortage
To say that this problem is being faced across Europe is an abrogation of ministers’ own duty to do what they can to mitigate the effects Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, has called the panic buying of fuel a “manufactured situation” deliberately engineered to pressure the Government over the shortage …
Read More »The Observer view on shortages and rationing
Boris Johnson can’t blame Covid for the hardship that lies ahead; deliberate choices by Tory ministers have also played their part Queues at the pumps, shortages in supermarkets, energy companies going bust and chemotherapy being cancelled due to staff shortages. Welcome to Britain in 2021. Some of this disruption has …
Read More »Άμεση ανάλυση: Το «Φανάρι» υπό τον Σολτς το πιθανότερο σενάριο και το χαστούκι στο συντηρητικό στρατόπεδο
Το «Φανάρι» υπό τον Ολαφ Σολτς είναι το πιθανότερο σενάριο στο Βερολίνο, χαστούκι στο συντηρητικό στρατόπεδο και τον Αρμιν Λάσετ, ποιοι προαλείφονται για νέοι υπουργοί Το οριακό προβάδισμα των σοσιαλδημοκρατών (SPD) στα πρώτα exit polls φέρνει πιο κοντά το σενάριο της σύμπραξης με τους Πράσινους και τους Ελεύθερους Δημοκράτες με …
Read More »Foreign Ministers Reach Agreements On Iranian Gas, Electricity Exports To Iraq
The foreign ministers of Iran and Iraq made agreements on issues relating to the export of gas and electricity from the Islamic Republic to its western neighbor. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein held a meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in …
Read More »Humanitarian Crisis Ravages Yemen: Yet Biden Administration Continues To Service Saudi War Machine
President Joe Biden began his presidency with a promise to confront Saudi Arabia and treat the murderous regime as a “pariah.” In particular, he pledged to end “all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.” Yet nearly eight months later little has changed. …
Read More »The Real Estate State?
Real Estate is the world’s largest asset class. The numbers are staggering- globally, real estate in aggregate is worth approximately $230 trillion. Of this, residential real estate is the majority player, worth approximately $180 trillion. This far exceeds the value of all stocks and is on the order of 25 …
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