As resistance forces continue to battle the Taliban on Afghanistan’s last war front, residents who fled the province say there is no clear winner yet. Since the Taliban claimed “complete control” over the Panjshir Valley in Afghanistan’s northeast earlier this month, the group has been accused of “widespread atrocities”, forcing …
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TSUE zdecydował. Wielka kara dla Polski za każdy dzień działania Turowa
Pół miliona euro za każdy dzień działalności kopalni Turów będzie płacić Polska do chwili podporządkowania się decyzji TSUE o zawieszeniu wydobycia. Tak zdecydował Trybunał Sprawiedliwości. Premier Morawiecki jeszcze w maju przekonywał, że ugoda z Czechami jest prawie zawarta. Decyzja TSUE zapadła dziś, ale naliczanie kary zacznie się w chwili formalnego …
Read More »Opinion | Sous-marins : ces questions en suspens
Tandis que la polémique autour du « contrat du siècle » des sous-marins français pour l’Australie gonfle, il est quand même curieux d’observer que peu de monde n’évoque les contrats eux-mêmes. Or c’est quand même cela qui est essentiel. En fait, tout le monde parle de ces sous-marins sans pourtant …
Read More »Saudi military trains with Greek forces
Saudi Arabia and Greece signed a missile deal earlier this year and are both allies of the UAE and Egypt. Saudi soldiers arrived in Greece on Tuesday for a joint training exercise with their Greek counterparts. Paratrooper units and special security forces from the Royal Saudi Land Forces participated in …
Read More »What is Neoliberalism? A Primer
“Neoliberalism” has been a hot topic for a few decades, but by now the word is sloppily used often enough that many claim that the word has become meaningless. However, it doesn’t work that way. The word neoliberalism has a definite meaning, even if it can be a tricky one, …
Read More »Wagging the Bitcoin Dog
On Wednesday, thousands of Salvadorans celebrated the 200th anniversary of the country’s independence by marching in protest against President Nayib Bukele’s administration. President Bukele’s decision to make Bitcoin an officially recognized currency in El Salvador succeeded in getting a lot of attention. And that was precisely the point. The boldness …
Read More »How Corporations Won the War on Terror
The costs and consequences of America’s twenty-first-century wars have by now been well-documented — a staggering $8 trillion in expenditures and more than 380,000 civilian deaths, as calculated by Brown University’s Costs of War project. The question of who has benefited most from such an orgy of military spending has, …
Read More »La ministre française des Armées affirme que la France maintiendra sa présence militaire au Mali
La France va maintenir sa présence militaire au Mali, a confié à la presse la ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, à l’issue d’une rencontre, lundi à Bamako, avec son homologue malien Sadio Camara. “La France ne quittera pas le Mali et reste déterminée dans la lutte contre le terrorisme”, …
Read More »Mali : une implication de Wagner affecterait ”sérieusement” les relations de l’UE avec Bamako (Josep Borrell)
-Le Chef de la diplomation de l’Union européenne s’exprimait en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York. Une implication du groupe privé russe Wagner au Mali affecterait « sérieusement » les relations entre l’Union européenne et Bamako, a indiqué lundi, Josep Borrell, chef de la diplomatie européenne.Josep …
Read More »IS Attacks in Syrian Desert Kill Pro-Regime Militia Fighters
IS group launched attacks in the Syrian Desert region over the weekend, resulting in the deaths of several Syrian regime militia fighters, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed. The Islamic State (IS) group launched attacks in the Syrian Desert region over the weekend, resulting in the deaths of several Syrian regime militia …
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