The events that the governments of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan have been increasingly dreading in recent weeks have begun to happen. The Afghan government has fallen to the Taliban and despite the Central Asian governments having had years to contemplate and plan for such an occurrence, the initial shock waves …
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Panjshir Commander Ahmad Massoud readies for war while negotiating with Taliban
The leader of Afghanistan’s only region not to have fallen to the Taliban has said he would be willing to join a Taliban government, but only if the group proved itself to be inclusive and respect the rights of all Afghans. Ahmad Massoud, 32, leads forces in the Panjshir valley …
Read More »US-Afghanistan August 15, 2021: Eight Conclusions And The Mean Words ‘What Was It We Said All The Time?’ – OpEd
Back then, after September 11, 2001, in Washington and New York, everybody talked about who could have done it, how they did it and with what means. The only thing never brought to the fore was: WHY would somebody want to do something like 9/11 to the United States of …
Read More »Our View: US-backed Afghan nation-building no more than a fantasy
Once the United States announced its decision to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, it was only a matter of time before the country would fall to the Taliban. But it took much less time than expected with the Taliban declaring victory on Sunday after the Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani fled …
Read More »Afghanistan, d’une défaite l’autre
Kaboul est tombée et il n’aura fallu que quelques semaines aux talibans pour balayer l’armée afghane financée et formée par les États-Unis durant vingt ans. Pour rappel, le régime communiste avait survécu trois années au retrait de l’Armée rouge. Mais le désastre afghan, au-delà d’une défaite ponctuelle, signe le fiasco …
Read More »Afganistan: Talibowie ukazują łagodne oblicze. Na jak długo?
Nie będziemy się mścić, darujemy przeciwnikom, zaprosimy kobiety do współrządzenia. To deklarowali talibowie trzy dni po zdobyciu Kabulu. Trwa okres przejściowy. Wspierany wcześniej przez Amerykę prezydent Aszraf Ghani uciekł za granicę. A zwycięzcy nie ogłosili jeszcze powstania nowego państwa. Niewiele wiadomo, jaka będzie forma zarządzania. Trochę o planach powiedział Enamullah …
Read More »The return of the Taliban, and Greece’s support to Turkey
A defeat for the West, concerns for the future in a difficult region where there are countries that already have or seek to acquire nuclear weapons, questions about the role that Turkey might aim for and concerns about increased refugee flows to Greece are some of the many parts of …
Read More »10 maps to understand Afghanistan
Al Jazeera visualises Afghanistan – a mostly mountainous country of 38 million people – which has suffered decades of war. Over the past few days, the Taliban has taken 26 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals. The armed group now controls an estimated 65 percent of the country’s territory, as the …
Read More »Why did the Afghan army disintegrate so quickly?
The billions spent by the US and NATO on the Afghan military could not fix major internal flaws. On August 15, the Taliban captured the Afghan capital Kabul and declared the war in Afghanistan over. The lightning speed with which the group made major territorial gains as the Afghan National …
Read More »Who are the Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?
Six important figures lead the Taliban movement, which has been fighting the Western-backed government since 2001. The Taliban has been fighting the Western-backed Afghan government in Kabul since it was removed from power in 2001. It originally drew members from so-called “mujahideen” fighters who, with support from the United States, …
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