
Croatian region calls for EU aid on landmines

BRUSSELS – The EU should step up aid for demining activities in Croatia, where almost a 1,000 square kilometers of suspected minefields still wait to be cleared – an effort which could take another 50 years at the current pace, an official from the most affected region. “We speak on …

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Ecological Inspectorate opposes implementation of new mud drying project at Chisinau water treatment station

Mayor asked that the project be continued as the new mud drying technology will enable to reduce the area used to store the mud and the period of time need to dry it. The State Ecological Inspectorate and the Chisinau Ecological Agency, while carrying out an inspection at the Chisinau …

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Russia behaves actively and consecutively towards Moldova and Transnistria – Dmitru Rogozin

He underlined that Moscow wants Tiraspol and Chisinau to arrive at consensus on the form of peaceful coexistence. Russia behaves actively and consecutively in the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the NATO Dmitri Rogozin considers. In his on-line interview for “Kommersant.ru” he remarked that the fratricidal …

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The ruling coalition stakes on support of external creditors

Representatives of the four parties expressed their concern with the orders given by the Communist leaders to the Government to spend all the money, which remains in the budget, as soon as possible. The new coalition stakes on support on the part of external creditors, the leaders of the four …

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Victor Chirilă: Viitorul preşedinte va trebui să fie o candidatură credibilă şi pentru potenţialii votanţi din partea comuniştilor

MOLDOVA Directorul executiv interimar al Alianţei pentru Politică Externă, Victor Chirilă, consideră că există şanse ca cele patru partide să reuşească să promoveze la funcţia de Preşedinte o persoană anjagată politic, însă „acest lucru depinde, în primul rând, de candidatura pe care o vor înainta-o”.

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Moldova: Membrii Alianţei pentru Integrare Europeană au avut o nouă rundă de dialog

MOLDOVA Liderii celor patru partide, membre ale noii coaliţii Alianţa pentru Integrare Europeană, au avut luni o nouă întrevedere. Este un proces firesc, constructiv, într-o atmosferă de bună înţelegere şi care va duce la ceea ce şi-au asumat partidele, a declarat preşedintele Partidului Liberal Democrat (PLDM), Vlad Filat, după finisarea …

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Russia Needs to Bolster Banks, Target Fiscal Stimulus says IMF

Russia has been hit hard by dual shocks—a collapse in oil prices and a sudden reversal of capital flows. Even though Russia’s far-sighted policy of saving most oil revenues allowed for a large fiscal stimulus, the IMF in its annual Article IV assessment of the country’s economy projects real GDP …

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Moldova’s new government to cancel visa requirement for Romanians

CHISINAU, Moldova Moldova’s new ruling coalition will make cancellation of visa requirements for Romanian citizens a top order of business, a senior official said Monday. The four-party majority controlling Moldova’s parliament considers visa-free travel for Romanian nationals a “top priority,” said Markian Lupu, chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova …

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Lutfi Meets Armenian and Romanian Ambassadors to Syria, Discusses Developing Relations

DAMASCUS, Syria Minister of Trade and Economy Amer Hossni Lutfi discussed yesterday with Armenian Ambassador to Syria Arshag Poladian the latest preparations for holding a Syrian-Armenian committee for commercial, economic, scientific and technical cooperation due to be held in Yerevan next month. 

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Borissov sets dates for talks about unfreezing EU funds

According to Bulgarian daily Standart, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boiko Borissov will visit Brussels on September 9 and 10 for talks about unfreezing EU funds for Bulgaria. Joining Borissov on his visit will be Bulgaria’s Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov and Foreign Minister Roumyana Zheleva. The agenda for the meetings had already …

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