
Voting underway in Moldova, 3 months after violent protests

Three months after accusations of government vote-rigging touched off street violence, Moldovans began voting on Wednesday in parliamentary elections that could shift the former Soviet republic’s focus away from Russia and toward the European Union. Polls suggested the ruling Communist Party was leading with about 31 percent, but analysts said …

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Moldova votes for new parliament

Moldovans have begun voting in parliamentary elections, three months after a disputed poll that sparked violent protests in Europe’s poorest country. Exit polls gave the ruling Communist party a lead with around 30 per cent of the vote, but four pro-European opposition parties are also expected to win some seats. …

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Will Moldovans, cowed by crackdown, rise up again?

CHISINAU, Moldova Moldovans go to the polls Wednesday, three months after protesters stormed the capital accusing the communist-led government of rigging nationwide elections — and used Twitter to rally support after cell phone networks went down. Authorities swiftly suppressed the unrest using brute force that left at least three dead …

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Moldova: Georgian election observers refused entry

CHISINAU, Moldova Eleven Georgian election observers have been refused entry into Moldova ahead of parliamentary elections because they are considered “dangerous,” authorities said Tuesday. Moldovans go to the polls Wednesday three months after protesters stormed the capital accusing the communist-led government of rigging nationwide elections. The Georgians, who were expecting …

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La 28 iulie expiră termenul de ridicare a certificatului cu drept de vot

CHISINAU Astăzi, 28 iulie, este ultima zi în care alegătorii mai pot ridica certificate cu drept de vot. Acest tip de certificat permite deţinătorului să-şi exercite dreptul la vot în oricare dintre secţiile de votare deschise în ţară. Aceste certificate înlocuiesc declaraţiile depuse până la 14 iulie în acelaşi scop: …

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O misiune de observatori părăseşte R. Moldova după ce liderii acesteia au fost reţinuţi de poliţie

CHISINAU Misiunea ENEMO (European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations) a decis să părăsească teritoriul R. Moldova după ce preşedintele şi vicepreşedintele misiunii au fost reţinuţi de poliţie. Reţinerea lor a avut loc în noaptea trecută la o tabără din localitatea Vadul lui Vodă, au comunicat pentru Info-Prim Neo surse de …

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EU puts five-year tax on Chinese wire rod, spares Turkey, Moldova

The European Union imposed five-year tariffs on wire rod from China to help EU producers such as ArcelorMittal, Corus Group and Feralpi Siderurgica SpA compete against cheaper imports. Turkey and Moldova were spared. The duties, as high as 24 percent, punish Chinese exporters for selling wire rod in the EU …

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EU-Moldova relations linked to electoral conduct

BRUSSELS – Moldova will have better chances of access to EU projects and international loans if authorities organise proper elections on Wednesday (29 July), the EU has said. “We don’t want to see a repetition of what we saw in April and we hope that Moldovan authorities will use this …

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Moldova’s stability ‘at risk’ in election

President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin has claimed that tomorrow’s general election will decide whether the country retains its sovereignty or falls under the malign influence of foreign powers. Communist Mr Voronin blames Romania – with which Moldova shares deep ethnic, linguistic and historical links – for fomenting riots after an …

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