

Românii au avut acces la staÅ£ia radio Platforma de foraj marin “Orizont”, cu 19 de români la bord, a fost sechestrată în Golful Persic. Platforma petrolieră sub pavilion românesc a fost atacată, marÅ£i dimineaţă, de armata iraniană.

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Gabriel Comănescu a declarat că marina iraniană a părăsit platforma de foraj Orizont, după ce 20 de petroliÅŸti marini români ÅŸi 7 indieni, aflaÅ£i la bord, au fost atacaÅ£i cu salve de tun de o navă militară iraniană, marÅ£i dimineaţă. Platforma a fost sechestrată cu întregul echipaj la bord, în …

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Platforma de foraj Orizont cu 20 de petroliÅŸti marini români ÅŸi 7 indieni, la bord, a fost atacată cu salve de tun de o navă militară iraniană, marÅ£i dimineaţă, ÅŸi apoi a fost sechestrată cu întregul echipaj la bord, în apele Golfului Persic. OfiÅ£erul de presă al Companiei Grup Servicii …

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Supreme Leader Calls for Muslim Unity against US

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that the only way for the world Muslims to encounter the US and get rid of her pressures lies in their solidarity and collective expression of their hatred for the US administration.

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GS: Iran Still Loyal to Nuclear Talks with West

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Government Spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham said here Monday that Iran is still prepared to resolve its nuclear case with the west through negotiations and diplomatic means despite disloyalty of the Europeans to their previous pledges.

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Boycotting Iran Synonymous with Suspension of IAEA Inspections

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission stressed that his commission is working on a bill which requires International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections to be suspended in the event any sanctions are imposed on Tehran.

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Iranian Envoy Terms Talks Best Way to Resolve Nuclear Issue

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iran’s Ambassador to Thailand Mohsen Pak Ayeen viewed negotiations and diplomatic interactions as the best possible way for resolving his country’s nuclear issue, stressing that Tehran neither gives up its nuclear rights, nor is keen on engaging in conflict and hostility.

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Iran to Build Power Plants in Iraq

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iran took up in a memorandum of understanding signed here on Monday to assist Iraq with the technical and feasibility studies and commissioning of power generation projects and construction of combined cycle, gas and steam power plants. According to the MoU which was inked by the …

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