
Stanisic and Simatovic, Belgrade’s Security Strongmen

Former Serbian state security officials Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic will hear the judgment in The Hague this week in their retrial for masterminding the most notorious Serb combat units that fought in the Croatian and Bosnian wars. “Milosevic’s men on the ground” was the most common description of these …

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La Hongrie accusée par Bruxelles: «L’opposition entre les deux Europe est plus affirmée que jamais»

La Commission européenne prévoit d’engager une procédure pour sanctionner la Hongrie après l’adoption d’une loi interdisant la «promotion» de l’homosexualité auprès des mineurs. L’essayiste Max-Erwann Gastineau voit dans cette controverse à l’échelle européenne un nouvel épisode d’une guerre culturelle. Une fois de plus, la Hongrie est le grand théâtre de …

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Gratismut, azaz ingyenbátorság. Ez a német közbeszéd józan részének kedvenc szava az elmúlt napokban E roppant találó kifejezést az olyan úgymond bátor kiállásokra használják, amikor az embert lényegében semmilyen kockázat, negatív következmény nem fenyegeti. A Németországot szivárványba borító hisztéria pontosan ebbe a kategóriába tartozik, nagyvállalatok, újságok, politikusok és hírességek egymás …

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Biden’s Balkans Order Underscores US Concern over Region’s Direction

The threat of US sanctions hangs over those deemed to be destabilising the Western Balkans, in politics and beyond. Who does Washington have in mind? An expanded executive order issued by US President Joe Biden and which takes aim at those deemed to be destabilising the Western Balkans is a …

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Serbia Doing Little to Deradicalise Foreign Fighters

As it stands, what deradicalisation programmes Serbia might pursue would only apply to people convicted of fighting in the Middle East since those who fought with pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have all walked free. Convicted of terrorism in 2019 for fighting with Islamic State, four Serbian citizens – Senad Plojovic, …

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The Carousel: How a Moscow Bank Made Big Loans to its Serbian Owners

Bank documents and a secretly made tape show how Serbian shareholders of a Moscow-based bank funnelled Serbian central bank deposits to their own companies. Three Serbian businessmen – shareholders and board members of a Moscow-based bank founded in the 1990s to help Belgrade bust international sanctions during Yugoslavia’s bloody collapse …

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Hague Tribunal Archive Reveals Paramilitaries’ Violent Strategies

Records held by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia show how paramilitary units were set up and deployed to use violence to achieve political aims in the 1990s wars. It has been three-and-a-half years since the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY in The Hague closed, …

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Patrols on Albanian-Greek Border force Drug Smugglers to Vary Tactics

Smugglers are hiring young men from Albanian border villages to take cannabis in backpacks into Greece, trying to avoid beefed-up patrols since the arrival of officers from the EU’s border agency. On April 20, the European Union’s border agency, Frontex, posted a photo on its Facebook page of three black …

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Dodging Prosecution, Ratko Mladic’s Wartime Associates Live Freely in Serbia

The UN court will deliver Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic’s final verdict next week, but dozens of his associates who have been accused or convicted of Bosnian war crimes now live in Serbia with little fear of prosecution. The death of Milorad Pelemis, wartime commander of the Bosnian Serb …

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The two countries have decided not to join the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office, whose first cases will include the Czech prime minister’s conflict of interest over EU subsidies.Hungary and Poland, perhaps not surprisingly, announced this week they would not participate in the newly established EU prosecutor’s office, which will …

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