Eurasia News

Greek PM visits Moscow, discusses South Stream

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said in Moscow on Tuesday that his country’s economic woes will not negatively affect implementation of the South Stream gas pipeline. Papandreou also declared that the current situation in Greece will have a positive effect on relations with Russia. Putin, in turn, downplayed Greece’s economic …

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US ambassador says progress needed in BiH

US Ambassador to BiH Charles English said that the referendum issue in the entity of Republika Srpska is very sensitive, adding the United States would consider provocative any issue that endangers the country’s stability, sovereignty or territorial integrity. The US Ambassador deplored the lack of reform, saying the political stalemate …

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Croat president to be inaugurated today

The inauguration of Ivo Josipović, the third Croatian president since it gained independence, will be held in Zagreb today. About 80 envoys have confirmed their arrival, ten of those presidents and nine representatives of international organizations.

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OSCE observers to monitor local elections in Georgia

The OSCE will send its observers to monitor local elections in Georgia scheduled for May 30, the OSCE chairman in Tbilisi, Kazakh Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabaev said. “This matter has been solved and it is not the subject for discussions,” he added. Georgian opposition parties appealed to Saudabaev to send …

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New War Crimes Trial Opens in Belgrade

A trial for crimes commited against Bosniaks in Prijedor in 1994 will open on February 18 in the war crimes chamber at the High Court in Belgrade. In December last year, the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor in Serbia indicted Dusko Kesar, 46, for his role in the murder …

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EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule to start Croatia visit on Thursday

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule is satisfied with the establishment of the new cooperation with the newly elected Croatian President Ivo Josipovic. “I’m looking forward to the new cooperation with Croatian President. His inauguration is a good possibility to meet not only with Croatia’s top officials but leaders of the …

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Egyptian Minister of Foreign Minister Gheit: We hope Macedonia to solve name dispute with Greece

We hope that with the help of EU, UN and USA you will find an acceptable name solution in the name dispute with Greece. Egyptian Minister of Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit made the remarks following the meeting with his counterpart Macedonian FM Antonio Milososki.

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EU: Slovenia to unblock two chapters of Croatia’s accession talks

Slovenia will unblock two chapters of Croatia’s accession talks with EU on Friday. The decision for de-blocking the chapters for fishing and living environment has been brought by the Board for European Affairs with votes of the coalition. Even though the opposition was against this decision, PM Borut Pahor said …

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