Eurasia News

Macedonia, Turkey Confirm Friendship

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Sunday at a meeting with his visiting Macedonian counterpart Nikola Gruevski in Istanbul reiterated his support for Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration and backed the country in its “name” dispute with Greece. At the meeting Erdogan underlined that he felt Macedonia should be a fully-fledged NATO …

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EU Decides Over Macedonia’s Accession Talks

Despite intense speculation, it is still not clear whether Macedonia will secure a start date for its EU accession talks at the regular EU foreign minister meeting scheduled for Monday. Although the European Commission and the European Parliament supported the start of negotiations with Skopje, the chances of Macedonia securing …

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Campaigning for Kosovo’s 2nd Round of Elections Starts

Political parties on Sunday started campaigning for the second round of Kosovo’s municipal elections scheduled for 13 December that will be held in 21 municipalities, including in the country’s second largest town Prizren. The results are key as they will determine the overall political make-up of Kosovo’s municipalities.

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Karadzic: Moral Reasons for Appeal

The Hague Tribunal’s Trial Chamber rejected Radovan Karadzic’s motion challenging the Tribunal’s legitimacy. “The Trial Chamber would like to point out, once again, that the indictee should better invest his efforts in preparing for the continuation of the trial than submitting motions for ‘moral reasons’, despite the fact that he …

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EU to make decision on interim agreement with Serbia

EU foreign ministers will meet on Monday in Brussels and are expected to make a decision unfreezing the interim trade agreement with Serbia. The EU ministers will make a decision after holding a meeting with Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz, who recently reported to the UN Security Council positively on …

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Serbian FM expects new Kosovo status talks

Serbian FM Vuk Jeremić said that Belgrade’s goal is make sure no other countries recognize Kosovo’s unilateral proclamation after the ICJ gives its opinion. “What we want to do is to make sure there are no new recognitions of Kosovo after the ICJ case ends, and to not allow Kosovo …

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Small chance of Macedonia EU accession talks

EU foreign ministers meet in Brussels today to discuss the further enlargement of the 27-nation bloc. It’s not clear whether Macedonia could secure a date to star its EU accession talks. The European Union is unlikely to agree to open accession talks with Macedonia despite the recent efforts by the …

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Romania Presidential Election Neck-and-Neck

Preliminary official results indicate a narrow victory for incumbent Traian Basescu in Sunday’s presidential run-off. With 95.7 per cent of the vote counted, election authorities said Basescu polled 50.43 per cent, while challenger Mircea Geoana received 49.57 per cent.

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