Eurasia News

Kosovo, Austria Sign Economic Ties Pact

Kosovo and Austria have signed a memorandum of understanding pledging to foster closer economic cooperation. The main focus of the deal will be the intensification of trade, cooperation in private sector economy, promotion of direct investments, export promotion and brain and technological transfers. Signed by Kosovo’s Minister of Trade and …

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Bulgarian Economy Grew 6 Pct In 2008

Bulgaria’s economy grew by six per cent in 2008 to 66.1 billion leva, the country’s National Statistics Institute, NSI, said in a flash estimate, but the growth rate shrank drastically in the last quarter of the year. Fourth-quarter gross domestic product, GDP, growth was 3.6 per cent, according to the …

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Kosovo Is Not A State – Serbia

As Kosovo’s Albanian majority prepares to celebrate one year from its declaration of independence from Serbia on February 17, Serbia’s President Boris Tadic said Kosovo was not a state, and Serbia would never see it as anything but its southern province. “Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence and, respecting international …

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Kosovo Independence Brought Stability – Sejdiu

Kosovo has good reason to be proud of its achievements in its first year of independence, President Fatmir Sejdiu said ahead of the Feb 17 anniversary of Kosovo’s secession from Serbia, noting that rather than destabilise the Balkans, the declaration of independence had opened doors for progress. “During its first …

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Albania High Court Suspends Lustration law

Albania’s constitutional court suspended on Monday a controversial “clean hands” lustration law targeting former officials of the communist regime, which critics say could be used for political revenge attacks by the government. With seven votes in favor and two against, the judicial panel voted to defer the effects of the …

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A Lot Of Work Ahead For Kosovo – Pieter Feith

When Kosovo celebrates one year of independence on February 17, it should remember it has plenty of work ahead, said Peter Feith, International Civilian Office head and European Union Special Representative in Kosovo He expressed his “congratulations for all the citizens of Kosovo”, noting that Kosovo’s leaders must focus on …

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Dodik Wants Bosnia as “Union of States”

A proposal by the top Bosnian Serb leader for Bosnia and Herzegovina to be reconfigured as a “union of federal states” with further decentralization of its two entities has triggered a new round of verbal duels among the country’s Serb, Croat and Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) politicians. Over the past three …

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Serbia Says To Talk With UNMIK on Feb 17

Belgrade is due to start negotiations with the United Nations mission in Kosovo on Tuesday on the implementation of the UN’s six-point plan on Kosovo, which has been rejected by Kosovo Albanians, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic told a Serbian daily in an interview “Albanians are still saying that this …

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Serbia ‘Closer To Mladic Arrest’ – Official

Serbia has more reasons now to be optimistic regarding the arrest of both remaining war crimes fugitives than a few months ago, said Rasim Ljajic, the country’s point man for cooperation with the Hague war crimes court. “I’m much more optimistic regarding the arrest of Ratko Mladic now than until …

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‘Kosovo Could Have Done More’ – Agim Ceku

Kosovo could have better used its advantages to promote its image abroad and to ensure the rule of law, former Prime Minister Agim Ceku said ahead of the one-year anniversary of Kosovo’s secession from Serbia. “The first independence anniversary is a crucial moment. During these days we all have to …

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